
Home security is a big concern for many people, but there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about it. 

A lot of people think that if they have a home security system, they don’t need to worry about burglaries. Others think that if their doors or windows are locked, they’re safe. And still, others believe that once their home has been burglarized, there’s nothing they can do but move out.

Killeen Locksmith Pros is here to debunk these burglary damage repair myths and help you protect your home and family. Our locksmiths are experts in the field and can help you install the right security system for your needs, as well as repair any damage that’s been done during a burglary.

Burglary is one of the most common crimes in America. According to the FBI, there were an estimated 1,745,990 burglaries in 2018 alone. And while the rate of burglary has been declining over the past few years, it’s still a costly and devastating crime. The average loss per burglary is $2,416, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III).

While no one wants to think about their home being burglarized, it’s important to be prepared in case it does happen. That means knowing how to file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance company and what steps to take to repair any damage that was done.


It’s also important to know what NOT to do after a break-in. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about the best way to handle burglary damage, so we’re here to set the record straight.


Here are 13 burglary damage repair myths explained:


1. Myth: I don’t need to call the police if nothing was stolen.

Fact: You should always report a break-in to the police, even if nothing was stolen. The police will document the incident, which can be helpful if you need to file an insurance claim. And, if the burglar is caught, you may be able to get your property back.


2. Myth: Filing a police report will increase my insurance rates.

Fact: Your insurance rates will not go up if you file a police report after a break-in. In fact, many insurance companies require that you file a police report in order to process your claim.


3. Myth: My homeowner’s insurance will cover the cost of repairing damage from a break-in.

Fact: Homeowners insurance typically covers the cost of repairing the damage done by a burglar, but it doesn’t cover the cost of stolen property. That’s why it’s important to have adequate coverage for your possessions.


4. Myth: I don’t need to worry about repairing damage if nothing was stolen.

Fact: Even if nothing was stolen, a burglar can still cause a lot of damage to your home. They may break windows, doors, or locks in order to get inside. Or, they may damage your belongings in their search for valuables.


5. Myth: I can’t file an insurance claim if I don’t have a police report.

Fact: You can still file an insurance claim even if you don’t have a police report. However, it’s always best to file a report with the police so that you have documentation of the break-in.


6. Myth: My deductible is too high to make filing an insurance claim worth it.

Fact: Your deductible is the amount you have to pay out-of-pocket before your insurance company starts to pay for repairs. So, if the cost of repairs is less than your deductible, it may not be worth it to file a claim. However, if the damage is significant, you may still want to file a claim even if it means paying your deductible.


7. Myth: I don’t need to repair the damage right away.

Fact: The sooner you repair damage from a break-in, the better. Burglars often target homes that look like they’ve been broken into before, so it’s important to make repairs as soon as possible. Additionally, some insurance companies require that you make repairs within a certain time frame in order to qualify for coverage.


8. Myth: I can make repairs myself to save money.

Fact: You may be tempted to do some of the repair work yourself in order to save money, but this is usually not a good idea. First, it’s important to make sure that all of the damage is repaired so that your home is secure. Second, if you do any of the work yourself, your insurance company may only cover the cost of materials and not labor.


9. Myth: I need to get three estimates before I can start repairs.

Fact: While it’s always a good idea to get multiple estimates before starting any repair work, you don’t necessarily need three estimates. Your insurance company may have a list of preferred vendors that you can use, or you can ask friends and family for recommendations.


10. Myth: I need to use the same contractor that my insurance company recommends.

Fact: You don’t have to use the same contractor that your insurance company recommends, but it may be a good idea. Contractors who work with insurance companies often have experience dealing with claims and know how to get the job done quickly and efficiently.


11. Myth: The repairs will be covered by my warranty.

Fact: Most warranties don’t cover damage from a break-in, so don’t count on your warranty to pay for repairs. However, some home security systems do offer coverage for damage caused by a break-in.


12. Myth: My landlord is responsible for repairing damage from a break-in.

Fact: If you rent your home, your landlord is not responsible for repairing damage from a break-in. You will need to file a claim with your own insurance company and pay for the repairs yourself.


13. Myth: I don’t need to worry about repairing damage if the burglar was caught.

Fact: Even if the burglar is caught, you may still be responsible for repairing the damage they caused. So, it’s important to contact your insurance company and file a claim regardless of whether or not the burglar is caught.


If you’ve been the victim of a break-in, don’t wait to make repairs. The sooner you repair the damage, the better. And, be sure to contact your insurance company so that you can get the coverage you deserve.


FAQs About Burglary Damage Repair


What should I do if I come home and find that my home has been broken into?

If you come home and find that your home has been broken into, the first thing you should do is call the police. Once the police have arrived, you can start to assess the damage and see what, if anything, has been stolen. Be sure not to touch anything so that you don’t disturb any evidence that may be present.


How much does it usually cost to repair damage from a break-in?

The cost of repairing damage from a break-in can vary depending on the extent of the damage. However, some common repairs, such as fixing a broken window or door, can cost a few hundred dollars. More extensive damage, such as damage to your home’s foundation or structural integrity, can cost thousands of dollars to repair.


How long does it usually take to repair damage from a break-in?

The amount of time it takes to repair damage from a break-in will depend on the extent of the damage. Some common repairs, such as fixing a broken window or door, can usually be done fairly quickly. However, more extensive damage may take weeks or even months to repair.


Do I need to use the same contractor that my insurance company recommends?

You don’t have to use the same contractor that your insurance company recommends, but it may be a good idea. Contractors who work with insurance companies often have experience dealing with claims and know how to get the job done quickly and efficiently.


Will my repairs be covered by my warranty?


Most warranties don’t cover damage from a break-in, so don’t count on your warranty to pay for repairs. However, some home security systems do offer coverage for damage caused by a break-in.



What are the Benefits of Burglary Damage Repairs?

There are many benefits to repairing damage caused by a break-in. Some of the most notable benefits include:


Restoring your sense of security: One of the biggest benefits of repairing damage caused by a break-in is that it can help restore your sense of security. After a break-in, it’s common to feel unsafe in your own home. However, by making repairs and taking steps to secure your home, you can start to feel safe again.

Preventing further damage: Another benefit of repairing damage caused by a break-in is that it can help prevent further damage. For example, if a window is broken during a break-in, it’s important to repair the window as soon as possible. If the window is not repaired, it could lead to further damage, such as water damage if it rains.

Increasing the value of your home: repairing damage caused by a break-in can also help increase the value of your home. If you ever decide to sell your home, potential buyers will be more likely to make an offer if the home is in good condition.

Avoiding legal problems: In some cases, failure to repair damage caused by a break-in can result in legal problems. For example, if someone is injured on your property because of broken glass from a break-in, you could be held liable. Repairing the damage can help prevent such legal problems from arising.


What Are the Disadvantages of Burglary Damage Repairs?

There are a few potential disadvantages associated with repairing damage caused by a break-in. Some of the most notable disadvantages include:


The cost: One of the biggest disadvantages of repairing damage caused by a break-in is the cost. Depending on the extent of the damage, repairs can be expensive.

The time: Another disadvantage of repairing damage caused by a break-in is the amount of time it can take. Depending on the extent of the damage, repairs can take weeks or even months to complete. This can be disruptive if you live in a small home or don’t have another place to stay while repairs are being made.

The hassle: Finally, another disadvantage of repairing damage caused by a break-in is the hassle. Dealing with insurance companies, contractors, and the police can be time-consuming and stressful.


Despite the potential disadvantages, repairing damage caused by a break-in is usually a good idea. The benefits typically outweigh the disadvantages, especially if you take steps to minimize the cost and disruption of repairs.

If you’ve been the victim of a break-in, it’s important to contact a reputable contractor as soon as possible to discuss your repair options. A contractor can help you assess the damage and develop a plan for repairs.


Contacting a locksmith as soon as possible after a break-in can help ensure that repairs are made in a timely manner and that further damage is prevented.


Did you know that Burglary is one of the most common crimes in the United States?

According to the FBI, there were an estimated 1.4 million burglaries in 2018 alone.

Burglaries can be emotionally and financially devastating. In addition to the cost of repairs, victims of burglaries often suffer from anxiety and depression.

If you’ve been the victim of a burglary, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. There are many resources available to help you through this difficult time.

One of the first things you should do after a burglary is to contact a reputable contractor to discuss your repair options. A contractor can help you assess the damage and develop a plan for repairs.


Home security is important. You might think that your locks will keep you safe, but sometimes burglars can get into your home even with a locked door

Burglary damage repair can be expensive, and it’s important to know what to do if it happens to you. That’s why we’re here to dispel some of the myths about burglary damage repair and tell you the truth about what you need to do if your home is ever broken into.

We want to help you protect yourself and your family from burglars. With our advice, you can make sure that your home is as safe as possible and that you’re prepared for any situation.


Contact us today at (254) 307-7675 for more information about burglary damage repair! Or email us at

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